Signals from our Soul

love soul spirituality Jun 19, 2024

Our soul is always communicating to us. But few of us know this truth. And even fewer of us know how to perceive this truth. And to interpret the signals from our soul. I call it “signals from our soul”. 


I coined this phrase because it's something that I became aware of, on my journey of truth searching of moving to a place of higher consciousness. I would say that sometimes I just felt like something was amiss, my soul was giving me a little nudge. And this was actually what I have understood, to be my higher self communicating with us. 


Now to really understand what I'm saying, let's think about it in everyday life, we might sometimes feel a little anxiety, or some of us may feel sadness. And these are actually signals from our soul. There are signals from our soul, that we are not living our true self. We are not expressing our true self, and we are not being our true self, we're not expressing our true nature. 


For ancient wisdom, truths tell us that we are all divine. We're all created in the image of the Divine. Each of us, our bodies, our sacred temples, and we are created perfectly. We are body, soul, and spirit created in a triune nature. 


So when we feel these signals, when we feel these nudges, it's our soul communicating to us, that we are living a life not in accordance with the harmony of our body, soul and spirit, we are not in rhythm, we are not living the life that we were meant to live. 


This could even be as simple as we're not feeling healthy. It could be a signal from our soul to stop, and to pause, and to restore the harmony of our body.  To nourish our body as we were divinely created to nourish our body, with every seed that was given to us, every plant, everything of the highest vibration, and in doing so, coming back to our spiritual essence, our spiritual nature.


Another signal from our soul, may be anxiety. And this is a signal that our soul is not in balance. It's not feeling the peace that it was originally designed to experience. And this is a signal from our soul that maybe we're caught up in the rat race of life. That's not how we were designed to live. We were not created to live a life like that. We were created in the image of God, to live a spiritual lifestyle, and to enjoy health and happiness. We can consider anxiety as a signal telling us to slow down telling us to go within. 


But the most beautiful things in life are actually inside us, to go within, to meditate, and to find and enjoy the peace that passes all understanding. 


Another signal could be a busy mind, this is a signal to align with truth, to focus on wisdom and to put our mind to the highest good, enlightening our mind. So I say our soul speaks to us each and every day. It's about learning how to feel our soul, how to hear our soul and how to honor and respect the signals that our soul are giving to us.



Every Blessings, Love and Light,



Alanya Grace

Founder of Binary Spirit ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ ๐ŸŒฑ 



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Love and Blessings,ย Alanya Grace xo