Our Soul Knows The Way

love soul spirituality Oct 17, 2024

Our soul knows the way. Our soul is our guide.


Our soul is always speaking to us, but few of us truly know how to tune in, how to listen to our soul, how to hear our soul, and how to let our soul guide.


We are all created in the image of God. We are all designed for greatness, for wholeness. 


I am Alanya Grace, a Spiritual Technologist, a modern prophetess, the founder of Binary Spirit. It is my mission and my spiritual calling to bring ancient wisdom into this modern digital age, sharing with you where science and spirit meet for the elevation of our consciousness so that humanity can know the truth. Humanity can be set free, and we can, through spiritual technology, enter into the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven within.


 Now, we are all of a triune nature. We are all body, soul and spirit, and our soul truly does know the way, the way to bring us back into our divine design. 


We were all born and created in the image of God. We were all designed to be beautiful beings of love and light and peace. 


There is a beautiful divine blueprint for the restoration of humanity and for the restoration of your consciousness. We are all designed to elevate our consciousness. We are designed for higher level living. 


When you think of it, we were not designed to feel the sadness, the despair, the grief, the pain, the shame. These are all lower level emotions. These are all what God did not decide. This was when we fell in consciousness


We are made in the image of God. We are all designed to experience love and joy and peace, happiness and bliss, higher conscious emotions. You can think of this mathematically, the lower consciousness under a logarithm. 200 the higher conscious above a logarithm. 500.   The lower conscious is zero, the higher conscious of one.


Our soul is part of the Divine. It does not want to be feeling this anguish of lower conscious emotions so our soul knows the way to bring us back, to bring us back to the light, to bring us to our divinity.


The soul is the mediator between our body and our spirit. You can think of it as the battleground. This is where the battles take place. When we are being sucked, we are being pulled to that lower, conscious hell type emotions, but our soul is saying, no, let's go to the truth, let's go to the light, let's ascend to the love. Let's elevate our consciousness, because the soul is not feeling at once with the lower consciousness. 


So the soul will want you to elevate in our binary to the realm of love, of light, of peace. 


Our soul is truly our guide, and our soul will speak to us through feelings of anxiety, and anxiety is to get us to slow, because who wants to be on the wrong path of life, heading at 240 miles an hour in the wrong direction? 


Anxiety is to get us to slow once we understand this once we understand how our soul communicates, and we say, this is not how I'm supposed to be feeling. 


There is a divine algorithm for life. There is a divine blueprint for my elevation, a divine blueprint for my ascension, a divine blueprint for me to come back to the Christ within


We can then take these emotions as signals from our soul. We can stop you. Can truly feel them. We can acknowledge that this is not who we were designed to be, and then this moment of acknowledging. We can consciously choose to take a step, to transmute this energy, to elevate this energy, to let go, to let God to move in the process of elevating our consciousness into the realm of the Divine.


 For this is what the soul wants. Our Soul wants what is best, the soul is, multi dimensional, the soul will always guide you towards the spirit, towards the path of truth, the path of light, the path which leads to all That's right. 


But for us, it's about a liberating it's about freeing. It's about a letting go. It's about a letting God, a letting go, and a letting love and truly knowing how to hear, how to fill our soul and have to let our soul God.

May God bless you, the spirit guide you. 



S.T. Alanya Grace 

Spiritual Technologist, Modern Prophetess & Founder of Binary Spirit


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Love and Blessings,ย Alanya Grace xo